+ban - Bans a member and deletes their message history of the previous 24 hours.

Usage: +ban <member> [reason]
Permission node: admin.ban

+ban @luke - Bans user 'luke'
+ban @luke 1w2d Advertising - Bans user 'luke' for 1 week and two days with reason 'Advertising'
+clean - Cleans messages from a channel.

Usage: +clean <amount> [user]
Permission node: admin.clean

+clean 10 - Cleans 10 messages
+clean 100 - Cleans 100 messages
+clean 100 luke - Cleans 100 messages from the user luke
+infractions - Views infractions for a user.

Usage: +infractions <member> [page=1]
Permission node: admin.infractions
+kick - Kicks a user.

Usage: +kick <member> [reason]
Permission node: admin.kick
+mute - Mutes a user.

Usage: +mute <member> [reason]
Permission node: admin.mute

+mute @luke - Mutes user 'luke'
+mute @luke 1w2d Spamming - Mutes user 'luke' for 1 week and two days with reason 'Spamming'
+reason - Sets a reason for a mod log infraction.

Usage: +reason <case> <reason>
Permission node: admin.reason
+role - Manage Roles

Usage: +role <action> <member> <role>
Permission node: admin.role

+role add "Moderators" "Admins" - Add the Admins role to everyone with the Moderators role
+role add @luke "Admins" - Add the user luke to the role Admins
+role remove everyone "Moderators" - Remove the Moderators role from everyone
+softban - Softbans a user (kick the user and cleans all their messages from the previous 24 hours)

Usage: +softban <member> [reason]
Permission node: admin.softban
+unban - Unbans a user.

Usage: +unban <user> [reason]
Permission node: admin.unban
+vckick - Kicks a member from a voice channel

Usage: +vckick <member> [reason]
Permission node: admin.vckick
+warn - Creates a warn infraction.

Usage: +warn <member> [reason]
Permission node: admin.warn
+autorole - Assigns roles. Ensure the role for me is above the role you want me to give, otherwise I wont have permission.

Usage: +autorole <action> [type] [role]
Permission node: autorole.autorole

+autorole add join "Humans" - Gives the role Humans to users on join.
+autorole add get "Announcements" - Users can now do +getrole Announcements to get that role.
+autorole add bot "Bots" - Bots will get this role when they join.
+autorole remove join "Humans" - Remove the autorole for Humans.
+autorole list - List all autoroles.
+getrole - Gets a role with the `get` condition from `+autorole`.

Usage: +getrole <role>
Permission node: autorole.getrole
+8ball - Cannot predict now

Usage: +8ball
Permission node: fun.8ball
+ascii - Converts text into ASCII. A list of fonts can be found at

Usage: +ascii <font> <text>
Permission node: fun.ascii

+ascii ghost beep - Shows beep in the ghost font
+chucknorris - Responds with a chuck norris joke.

Usage: +chucknorris
Permission node: fun.chucknorris
+urban - Searches the urban dictionary.

Usage: +urban <term>
Permission node: fun.urban
+uwu - uwu-ify a stwing

Usage: +uwu <input>
Permission node: fun.uwu
+yomamma - Responds with yo mamma jokes, they will probably be insulting!

Usage: +yomamma
Permission node: fun.yomamma
+fortnite - Looks up a user on fortnite.

Usage: +fortnite <platform> <username>
Permission node: games.fortnite
+osu - Shows osu! stats for a user. Valid options are: `best`, `recent` and `user`. Valid modes are: `standard`, `taiko`, `ctb` and `mania`.

Usage: +osu <option> <profile> [mode=standard]
Permission node: games.osu
+cat - Shows a cute cat!

Usage: +cat
Permission node:
+dog - Shows a cute dog!

Usage: +dog
Permission node:
+doge - Shows a cute doge!

Usage: +doge
Permission node: image.doge
+weeb - Shows some weeb images. See `+weeb types` for a list of types.

Usage: +weeb <type>
Permission node: image.weeb
+xkcd - Gets an XKCD Comic

Usage: +xkcd [comic]
Permission node: image.xkcd
+help - Shows this command

Usage: +help [command]
Permission node:
+invite - Gets the URL to invite the bot.

Usage: +invite
Permission node: info.invite
+ping - Pong!

Usage: +ping
Permission node:
+stats - Shows stats about the bot

Usage: +stats
Permission node: info.stats
+boyfriend - For distracted boyfriends! Arguments can be a user or an image URL.

Usage: +boyfriend <bf> <gf> <other_gf>
Permission node: meme.boyfriend
+drake - Makes a drake meme. Arguments can be a user or an image URL.

Usage: +drake <bad> <good>
Permission node: meme.drake

+drake Tatsumaki Vexera - Drake meme, but Tatsu bad and Vexera good tbh
+gmagik - `+magik` but it's with gifs.

Usage: +gmagik [image=recent]
Permission node: meme.gmagik
+handicapped - Sir! This spot is for the handicapped only!

Usage: +handicapped <image> <text>
Permission node: meme.handicapped
+logo - Makes a vexera logo with custom text!

Usage: +logo <text1> [text2]
Permission node: meme.logo
+magik - The best command on the planet.

Usage: +magik [image=recent]
Permission node: meme.magik
+meme - Sends a meme into the channel.

Usage: +meme
Permission node:
+mistake - For big mistakes.

Usage: +mistake [image=recent]
Permission node: meme.mistake
+needsmorejpeg - Makes an image look worse.

Usage: +needsmorejpeg [image=recent]
Permission node: meme.needsmorejpeg
+nuke - Nuke an image

Usage: +nuke [image=recent]
Permission node: meme.nuke
+whodidthis - WHO DID THIS? :joy: :joy: :joy:.

Usage: +whodidthis [image=recent]
Permission node: meme.whodidthis
+botlist - Shows the carbonitex botlist.

Usage: +botlist [page=1]
Permission node: misc.botlist
+invited - Shows how many users someone has invited to a server.

Usage: +invited [member]
Permission node: misc.invited
+remind - Sets a reminder.

Usage: +remind <when>
Permission node: misc.remind

+remind 10m Play fortnite - Vexera will remind you in 10 minutes to play Fortnite.
+serverinfo - Shows info about a server

Usage: +serverinfo
Permission node: misc.serverinfo
+userinfo - Shows info about a user.

Usage: +userinfo [user]
Permission node: misc.userinfo
+wolfram - Makes a wolfram query.

Usage: +wolfram <query>
Permission node: misc.wolfram
+play - Plays a track. A range of sites are supported. You can add `-next` at the end of the command to add the track on the next position of the queue.

Usage: +play <track>
Permission node:

+play marble soda - Searches youtube for 'marble soda'
+play - Plays a soundcloud track, using the direct URL
+play - Plays a youtube video, using the direct URL
+skip - Voteskips a track. Users with the `music.forceskip` permission can instantly skip.

Usage: +skip [amount=1]
Permission node: music.skip
+lyrics - Gets lyrics for a track / the track currently playing.

Usage: +lyrics [query]
Permission node: music.lyrics
+pause - Pauses the music.

Usage: +pause
Permission node: music.pause
+resume - Resumes the music.

Usage: +resume
Permission node: music.resume
+join - Joins a voice channel.

Usage: +join [node]
Permission node: music.join
+np - Shows whats currently playing.

Usage: +np
Permission node:
+queue - Shows the current track queue.

Usage: +queue [page]
Permission node: music.queue
+back - Goes to the last track played.

Usage: +back
Permission node: music.back
+clear - Clears the queue.

Usage: +clear
Permission node: music.clear
+delete - Deletes a track from the queue.

Usage: +delete <track>
Permission node: music.delete
+jump - Jumps to a specific place in the queue.

Usage: +jump <amount>
Permission node: music.jump
+leave - Leaves the voice channel.

Usage: +leave
Permission node: music.leave
+repeat - Repeats a track.

Usage: +repeat <type>
Permission node: music.repeat

+repeat off - Disable repeating.
+repeat one - Repeat the current track.
+repeat all - Repeat the whole queue.
+search - Allows you to choose a track to play with a fancy selection menu.

Usage: +search <track>
Permission node:
+seek - Seeks to a position in a track.

Usage: +seek <position>
Permission node:
+shuffle - Shuffles the queue.

Usage: +shuffle
Permission node: music.shuffle
+perms - Assigns permissions to a role. For a list of permissions, see `+perms nodes` Permissions handled by SexyPEX

Usage: +perms <action> [people] [permNode]
Permission node: perms.perms

+perms add everyone music.* - Give everyone music permissions
+perms deny "Moderators" - Dont allow the Moderators role to use the cat command
+perms deny @luke image.doge - Dont allow the user luke to use the doge command
+perms list "Moderators" - List the permissions for the Moderators role
+perms remove everyone music.* - Remove the music permissions from everyone
+perms clear "Moderators" - Clear the permissions for the Moderators role
+autoplay - Sets a track or playlist or livestream to play while the queue is empty.

Usage: +autoplay <query>
Permission node: premium.autoplay

+autoplay url - Enables autoplay with the specified URL.
+autoplay disable - Disables autoplay.
+bass - Adjusts the bass for the music playing. Valid options: `none`, `weak`, `medium`, `strong`, `insane`, `wtf`.

Usage: +bass [bass]
Permission node: premium.bass
+donators - Shows the top 10 donators with a personalised message set by the donator. Donators can set their message using `+donators <message>`

Usage: +donators [message]
Permission node: premium.donators
+dump - Creates a URL with information about the music queue, which can be loaded with `+play`. Use `+dump all` to dump the whole queue.

Usage: +dump [type=current]
Permission node: premium.dump
+playlist - Allows you to save and load queues.

Usage: +playlist <action> [name]
Permission node: premium.playlist

+playlist create Dubstep - Creates the playlist 'Dubstep' from the tracks currently in the queue.
+playlist load Dubstep - Loads the tracks from playlist 'Dubstep' into the queue.
+playlist delete Dubstep - Deletes the playlist 'Dubstep'
+playlist share Dubstep - Creates a dump URL for the playlist 'Dubstep'
+playlist list - Lists all playlists for this server.
+premium - Displays premium information.

Usage: +premium
Permission node: premium.premium
+redeem - Allows you to redeem a Vexera Premium key. Please note it will be activated on every server **you** own.

Usage: +redeem <key>
Permission node: premium.redeem
+status - Displays premium status.

Usage: +status [user]
Permission node: premium.status
+transfer - Transfers a premium subscription to another user, use `+transfer disable` to disable.

Usage: +transfer <user>
Permission node: premium.transfer
+volume - Sets the volume of the music playing.

Usage: +volume [volume]
Permission node: premium.volume
+accessrole - Sets a role that people have to have to use the bot. Use `+accessrole disable` to disable

Usage: +accessrole <role>
Permission node: settings.accessrole
+channeltoggle - Disables commands in a channel.

Usage: +channeltoggle
Permission node: settings.channeltoggle
+farewell - Sets a message for when a user leaves the server.

Usage: +farewell <channel> [text]
Permission node: settings.farewell

+farewell #general %username% left %server%... bye bye %username%... - Sends luke left ... bye bye luke.. to #general when luke leaves your server.
+farewell disable - Disables the farewell
+greeting - Sets a welcome message for the server.

Usage: +greeting <channel> [text]
Permission node: settings.greeting

+greeting #general Welcome %mention% to %server%! - Sends Welcome @luke to ! to #general when luke joins your server.
+greeting dm Welcome %username%! - Welcomes a user to your server in direct messages.
+greeting disable - Disables the greeting.
+locale - Sets a locale. See `+locale list` for a list of locales.

Usage: +locale <locale>
Permission node: settings.locale

+locale fr - Sets the locale to french.
+log - Sets channels that will have events posted in them.

Usage: +log <action> <channel> [events]
Permission node: settings.log

+log add #join-log joins leaves - Sends a message when a user joins or leaves
+log add #mod-log infractions - Posts infractions (bans, kicks) into #mod-log
+prefix - Sets the command prefix.

Usage: +prefix <prefix>
Permission node: settings.prefix

+prefix ! - Sets the prefix to !
+prefix disable - Disables the custom command prefix.
+userlocale - Sets the locale for the user. See `+userlocale list` for a list of locales. Use `+userlocale disable` to use the server's locale.

Usage: +userlocale <locale>
Permission node: settings.userlocale

+userlocale fr - Sets the locale to french.
+userlocale disable - Disables your personal locale, and use the server's locale instead.